Rich Media Web App Dev I


Project 1 - Audio Visualizer


Your mission (with a partner) is to build on the Web Audio Visualizer ICE and create a unique interactive audio visualization experience that utilizes the Web Audio and Canvas APIs.

This could be a great portfolio piece for you - so give it your best effort!

The assignment is worth 12% of your final grade, is graded out of 100 points, and no late submissions will be accepted, so post what you have before the due date to receive partial credit. An A grade will be awarded only for meeting the requirements below, and going sufficiently "above and beyond" the what we did in the Audio Visualizer ICE.


First, get a partner, and post both of your names to the discussion thread in mycourses. If you like, give your team a name.

1. Usability and overall UX (25%)

2. Interaction Design (15%)

3. Canvas API (25%)

4. Web Audio API (15%)

5. Media and Presentation and CSS/HTML (10%)

6. Code (10%)

7. Penalties (There are no set values for penalties. The more penalties you make, the more points you will lose.)





Documentation (-10% off of final grade if not completely done)

Both team members will individually submit docs. It's a good idea to document things as you are working on the project. Consider setting up a google doc right away so that you can posts links and other information there as you are working.

Example Screenshots