
Top reasons why your JS code won't work

(so please use the Web Inspector and check for these before you raise your hand):

  1. You are viewing the wrong HTML file in the browser (or viewing the right file, and editing the wrong file in your text editor)
  2. You have a syntax error in your code (ex. forgetting to use closing quotes on a string). This always gives you an error in the console when that line of code runs.
  3. You are calling a non-existent function, which will produce an error in the console.
  4. You misspelled a property or event name, which will often fail silently (ex. window.onLoad instead of window.onload).
  5. You are calling a function with () when you shouldn't be (for example in an event handler or event listener)
  6. Your external JS files are in the wrong place.
  7. If your files are on a server, make sure the file permissions are correct (644 for files, 755 for folders)
  8. If you are getting a browser Security Error while using canvas, remember that - ctx.getImageData() and ctx.putImageData() only work from a web server (i.e. not on your local hard drive)
  9. The value of this isn't what you think it is

Best Practices that will help you catch errors

The bottom line

Remember, most (90%+) of the time the code is malfunctioning, it is doing what you told it to do.