Rich Media Web App Dev


Project 2 Overview - Game or Interactive Experience

Checklist! ... to succeed at this project, you need to know (or know how to) ...

  1. Control:
  2. capture keyboard events (See Kaleidoscope demo)
  3. capture mouse input (see Paint App)
  4. capture multiple keys simultaneously with Key Daemons
  5. Canvas:
  6. preload images (See JS Image Slideshow Demo)
  7. draw an image on the canvas (HTML5 Canvas Image Tutorial)
  8. draw an image animation on the canvas using a Sprite Sheet
  9. draw a particle system to the canvas
  10. Audio:
  11. play 2 sounds simultaneously with the <audio> element
  12. use a sound library to play a lot of sounds simultaneously
  13. More JS:
  14. JS Object Literals
  15. JS Module Pattern
  16. JS Function Constructors
  17. JS Object Delegation (OLOO - "Objects linked to other objects")
  18. Object.defineProperty()
  19. Object.seal()
  20. Object.freeze()
  21. Object.create()
  22. pause/unpause a game with window.onblur & window.onfocus
  23. smooth your animations with dt ("delta time")
  24. cancel your animations with window.cancelAnimationFrame()
  25. manipulate the value of this with Function.bind()
  26. Game Topics:
  27. game screens and states
  28. circle collision detection
  29. bounding box collision detection
  30. build an approachable game
  31. add depth to your game