Mobile Game Development IGME-590

Goal: to create an arcade style mobile game.

Each student will design a SpriteKit-based arcade style game that will run on an iPod/iPhone, iPad, or both. The X-Blaster example from chapters 6 and 7 is good example of the scope I'm looking for.

Your game will demonstrate your comfort with the SpriteKit API as covered in Chapters 1-7 of our SpriteKit text.

Acceptable game genres include sprite shooters, paddle style games such as a Breakout or assorted Breakout clones, a simple platformer, jetpack joyride, or ??. Your game will most likely be a single player game.

If you designed or developed a game for another class and in another language (such as AS3 or JS/Canvas or C#/XNA) it is acceptable to "port" that game to iOS - just be sure to give credit in your "one-pager".

Requirements and Grade Rubric

  1. 10% - Media Requirements:
    • Sound:
      • A background sound that loops.
      • Effect sounds.
      • Use SKAction +playSoundFileNamed:waitForCompletion:
      • Use high-quality sound media (i.e. avoid 8-bit WAVs)
    • Images:
      • Optimized bitmap Graphics - most likely PNG
    • Make sure you checked the "copy" box when you imported your media!
  2. 15% - Interaction Requirements:
    • Control
      • The player should be able to control at least one sprite on the screen.
      • Use touch controls: touchesBegan:, touchesMoved:, touchesEnded:, touchesCancelled:, or the accelerometer, or a combination.
      • If using touch controls, don't have the player "teleport" to the location of your tap, but instead:
        • Tween towards your tap (using an action most likely) OR
        • Move as you slide your finger on the screen - see X-Factor for an example. This makes the entire screen a virtual trackpad.
      • Do NOT use on-screen buttons for controls - although a large tappable "region" on an iPad game might be acceptable.
  3. 15% - Usability Requirements:
    • Game Screens:
      • At a bare minimum there should be three screens (done with SKScene subclasses or some other method): title/instructions screen, game screen and game over/play again screen
      • Put your name on either the title screen or game over screen.
    • Teaching: The player should have no trouble figuring out how to play the game. If necessary, provide instructions.
    • Feedback: The player should intuitively know what "state" the game is in, and if their actions hindered or helped their progress in the game. A score should be visible to the player.
    • Difficulty: Be nice to your players. The game is easy at first, then it gets harder. The player shouldn't die in 2 seconds like Flappy Birds.
  4. 40% - Required Game Elements:
    • The player should be able to control at least one sprite on the screen (as mentioned above).
    • Multiple Categories (at least 4) of app-controlled Sprites:
      • Use actions (or SKScene -update) to control sprite behavior
      • Try to make some of the sprites behave in unique ways. See this post about doing custom tweening in your actions.
    • Collision Detection - something should happen when certain sprites intersect.
    • Animation - there will be at least one frame-based animation.
    • Particles - there will be at least one particle system.
  5. 20% - OOP and Coding Standards:
    • SpriteKit API
    • Remove sprites (- removeFromParent) when you are done with them - even if they are not visible on the screen, they are still using up memory.
    • Separation of Concern - You should have multiple Objective-C classes, with each class having well-defined functionality accessed through a public interface.
    • D.R.Y. - Don't Repeat Yourself. Repeated blocks of nearly identical code should be factored out and placed in a separate method.
    • No "magic numbers" (unnamed numerical constants) - declare C style constants or enums instead.
    • Objective-C code conventions: public properties and methods declared in .h file, private ivars declared in .m and begin with an underscore, class names are capitalized, method names are in lower case.
    • There should be no compile time or run time errors.
    • Well commented code. Each and every method you wrote gets a comment indicating what it does.
    • Delete or comment out your NSLog() calls
    • You will only receive credit for code that you write beyond what you've inherited from Zombie Conga and X_Factor. This is why you must comment all of the code you write.



Working Prototype and "One pager" (-10% if not fully done)

Final Documentation (-10% if not done)

Final Submission Due 4/19 - (Saturday Week 11)