Installing apps on iOS devices

In our classroom and the labs

  1. Launch Xcode and plug your device into the Mac
  2. Choose Window > Organizer from the menu to open the Organizer window, and then click on the Devices Tab
  3. Select your device on the left side of the Organizer window
  4. Click the "Use for Development" button - you should only have to do this once. There will also be an alert that pops up on your iOS device you will need to confirm.
  5. Download our provisioning file from mycourses - it's in the "Files" folder of the Content section. The provisioning file has a list of all of the iOS devices we are allowed to install on. All of the RIT devices we loaned out are on this list, as well as of your devices where you posted the UUID to mycourses.
  6. Double-click on the provisioning file, which should automatically load it into Xcode and install in onto the connected device.
  7. Choose your device as the install target in Xcode - there is a drop down menu near the Play button in the upper-left side of Xcode for this.
  8. Build and Run. In less than a minute, the app should be installed and running on your iOS device.