iOS Programming IGME-590-03/04

Project 0 - Bride of Blackjack

Goal: finish up and extend Blackjack-4.

Requirements and Grade Rubric

  1. (40%) Longer Game - There will be an overall game score and the player will be able to play multiple hands:
    • Start the game score at 100 points (or $, £, €, ¥, whatever)
    • Give the player 50 points every time they win a hand, deduct 50 points when they lose.
    • The game will end after 5 hands/rounds
    • Be sure to display the score and round # to the player in a UILabel.
    • ** For full credit, make sure that an alert only pops up on a new game, not every hand. You can instead update the status label (see below) with who won or lost each hand. **
  2. (40%) Sound via a Helper class
    • A sound is played when a player card is flipped.
    • A different sound is played when the player loses a hand.
    • A different sound is played when the player wins a hand.
    • A separate Objective-C class that extends NSObject will handle the loading and playing of the sound. Hints:
      • @import AVFoundation;
      • Three private AVAudioPlayer ivars. Initialize these three once in the init method, and call prepareToPlay to preload them.
      • Three public instance methods: playDrawCardSound, playWinSound and playLoseSound. These will each call the play method on the appropriate ivar.
  3. (10%) Status Label - update a UILabel and display a pertinent message when something happens during the player portion of the turn. Examples: "You can Hit or Stand", "You drew an Ace", "You won the last hand", ...
  4. (Up to 15%) Enhancements

Ideas for enhancements

Extra Credit


Coding Standards

