Casual Game Development IGME-450

Project 1 - 2D Casual Game

Goal: to create the casual 2D JavaScript/Canvas Game you proposed

Requirements and Grade Rubric

  1. 20% - Media Requirements:
    • Sound:
      • A background sound that loops.
      • Effect sounds.
      • Consider using sound.js
      • DO NOT use the sounds that were given to you in class.
    • Images:
      • Consistent theme or style
      • Optimized bitmap Graphics (JPEG or PNG)
    • Drawing:
      • Most or all of the game will be drawn into an HTML5 <canvas> tag
  2. 20% - Interaction Requirements:
    • Control
      • The player should be able to control at least one sprite on the screen
      • Control should be responsive and intuitive
  3. 20% - Usability Requirements:
    • Game Screens:
      • At a bare minimum there should be four screens (i.e. game states): title/instructions screen, game screen, game over/play again screen, pause screen.
      • The pause screen will be triggered by window.onblur
      • Put your name on either the title screen or game over screen.
    • Teaching: The player should have no trouble figuring out how to play the game. If necessary, provide instructions.
    • Feedback: The player should intuitively know what "state" the game is in, and if their actions hindered or helped their progress in the game. A score should be visible to the player.
    • Difficulty: Be nice to your players. The game is easy at first, then it gets harder. The player shouldn't die in 2 seconds like Flappy Birds.
  4. 20% - Game Design Requirements:
    • Meeting your plan:
      • It's expected that your game will change from the original design document, but overall you need create an approximation of what you planned.
    • Game Entity (Sprite) Behavior:
      • Do your sprites behave in interesting ways that go beyond what we did in class?
    • "Game-ability"/"Game-ishness":
      • Playable by at least one person, has rules, has a win/lose condition?
      • Do player choices matter?
      • As the player learns how to play the game can they improve?
      • Is the game fun and something people would want to play? (Recall that when we added level goals and vector movement to Circles, it then became the game of Boomshine and something worth playing.)
  5. 20% - OOP and Coding Standards:
    • Code runs with no errors (Modernizr image load errors are OK)
    • "use strict"; at the top of every JS file
    • JS Module Pattern (see Blastem II ICE for example)
    • Function Constructors and prototypes - at least 2 new Function constructors (like Bullet, Enemy, ...) that were created by you.
    • Object Literals
    • Comment every method you write
    • Delete or comment out your console.log() calls
    • You will only receive credit for code that you write beyond what you've inherited from Boomshine and Blastem II



Documentation (-10% if not done)

Working Prototype (-10% if not done)

Create a working prototype that illustrates the core mechanic of your game. See dropboxes for due date.

Final Submission